T +41 (0)44 387 28 00 | info@orl-zentrum.com

Dr. med. Annika Stern

Specialist FMH for otorhinolaryngology

Specialty: Allergology and clinical immunology

English, French, German, Italian, Swedish

Core competencies

  • Rhinology
  • Allergology and Immunology
  • General otorhinolaryngology


2004 –

ENT Center, Klinik Hirslanden Zurich, practicing physician

2001 – 2004

Klosbachstrasse 107, 8032 Zurich, in private practice


Awarded Swiss MD title [FMH] in allergology and clinical immunology


Awarded Swiss MD title [FMH] in otorhinolaryngology

1999 – 2000

ENT Clinic, Cantonal Hospital Basel, assistant physician 

1998 – 1999

ENT Clinic, Cantonal Hospital Lucerne, assistant physician

1997 – 1998

Dermatology Clinic (allergy ward), University Hospital Zurich, assistant physician 

1994 – 1996

ENT Clinic, Cantonal Hospital Lucerne, assistant physician


Immunology Clinic, Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm, assistant physician

 1993 – 1994

Surgery, Cantonal Hospital Baden, assistant physician 


Faculty of Medicine, University of Zurich. Dissertation: Imipenem versus a combination of amoxicillin, clindamycin, and aminoglycosides for treating severe postoperative complications (in the context of abdominal surgery) 


Faculty of Medicine, University of Zurich, state medical examinations

  1. Geroulanos S., Stern A., Christen D., Buchmann P. Antimicrobial management of postoperative infections in abdominal surgery: single or combination regimen? Clinical therapeutics 1990: 12; 34–39.
  2. Geroulanos S, Stern A., Christen D., Buchmann P. Management of postoperative abdominal infections: single versus combination therapy. Infections in surgery, supplement 1. 1990: 9; 65–67.
  3. Cakmaki M., Stern A., Schilling J., Christen D., Geroulanos S. Randomized comparative trial of Imipenem/Cilastatin versus Amiinoglycoside plus Amoxycillin plus Clindamycin in the treatment of severe intra- and post-operative infections. Drugs Exptl. Clinical Research 1993; 19; 223–227.
  4. Stern A., van Hage-Hamsten M., Sondell K., Johansson SGO. Is allergy screening of blood donors necessary? Vox Sanguinis 1995; 69:114–119.
  5. Wüthrich B., Stern A., Johansson SGO. Severe anaphylactic reaction to bovine serum albumin at the first attempt of artificial insemination. Allergy 1995; 50:179–183.
  6. Stern A., Wüthrich B. Topische Therapie der perennialen Rhinitis. Therapiewoche Schweiz 1997; 13:276–279.
  7. Stern A., Wüthrich B. Anaphylaxis caused by sesame without detectable Ig E-mediated mechanism. Allergy 1998; 53: 325–326.
  8. Borelli S., Stern A., Wüthrich B. A silk cardigan inducing asthma. Allergy 1999; 54: 892–902.
  9. Stern A., Allergien gegen Latexhandschuhe. Schweizerische Ärztezeitung 1998; 37: 10.
  10. Stern A., Müllner G., Wüthrich B. Successful treatment of occupational allergy to bumblebee venom after failure with honeybee venom extract. Allergy 2000; 55: 88–91.
  11. Stern A., Der «Cellular-Antigen-Stimulationstest (CAST)» – eine neue Möglichkeit in der Diagnostik von aspirinsensitiven Rhinosinusitiden? HNO 2001; 49:161–165
  12. Stern A., Helbling A., Schweri Th., Caversaccio M. Rezidivierende Rhinosinusitiden – ein Leitsymptom bei Hypogammaglobulinämien. Schw Med Forum Suppl. 2002; 6:100–103.
  13. Stern A., Rhinosinusitis – ein wichtiger Risikofaktor für die Entwicklung eines Asthma bronchiale ORL-Highlights 8; 2001: 3
  14. Stern A., Die Pollen sind wieder im Fluge. ORL-Highlights 9; 2002: 3
  15. Stern A., Peter Schmidt-Grendelmeier. Aspekte der spezifischen Immuntherapie – hohe Erfolgsrate bei Wespengiftallergikern. ORL-Highlights 10; 5:2003: 4–7
  16. Stern A., Peter Schmidt-Grendelmeier. Aspekte der spezifischen Immuntherapie – neue Applikationsformen in der Erprobung, ORL-Highlights 10; 6:2003: 13-16–
  1. Geroulanos S., Stern A., Christen D., Buchmann P. Antimicrobial management of postoperative infections in abdominal surgery: single or combination regimen? ICAAC 1989, Texas.
  2. Stern A., Cakmakci M., Christen D., Schilling J., Geroulanos S. Imipenem/Cilastatin versus Aminoglycoside plus Amoxicillin plus Clindamycin in the treatment of serious postoperative infections. Medical Congress of Chemotherapy 1992. Athen.
  3. Stern A., Wüthrich B., Johansson SGO. Severe anaphylactic reaction to bovine serum albumin at the first attempt of artificial insemination. ICACI 1994, Stockholm.
  4. Stern A., van Hage-Hamsten M., Sondell K., Johansson SGO. Is allergy screening of blood donors necessary? ECACI 1995, Madrid.
  5. Stern A., van Hage-Hamsten M., Sondell K., Johansson SGO. Is allergy screening of blood donors necessary? ECACI 1995, Madrid.
  6. Stern A., Wüthrich B. Rushimmunotherapie einer beruflichen Hummelgiftallergie – ein Fallbericht. Mainzer Allergie-Workshop 1998, Mainz.
  7. Stern A., Wüthrich B. Anaphylaxis caused by sesame without detectable IgE-mediated mechanism. SGAI 1998, Genève.
  8. Stern A., Müllner G. Wüthrich B. Diagnosis and Treatment of Occupational Allergy to Bumblebees; EACCI 1998, Birmingham



Sara Alex
T +41 (0)44 387 28 00
F +41 (0)44 387 28 09


  • World Allergy Organization 
  • European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology.  Sub-group: ENT Section – Immunotherapy 
  • European Rhinologic Society 
  • Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Oto-Rhino-Laryngologie, Hals- und Gesichtschirurgie 
  • Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Aerobiologie
  • Swiss Society for Allergology and Immunology
  • Schweizerische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Kiefer-und Mundkrankheiten
  • Schweizerische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Rhinologie
  • Zürcher Gesellschaft für Allergologie und klinische Immunologie 
  • Verein Zürcher ORL Ärzte 
  • Ärztegesellschaft des Kantons Zürich 
  • FMH Swiss Medical Association