T +41 (0)44 387 28 00 | info@orl-zentrum.com

Dr. med. Peter Herrmann

Specialist FMH for otorhinolaryngology 
Specialty: Head and neck surgery


English, French, German, Italian, Norwegian

Core competencies

  • Rhinology
  • Neck and facial surgery
  • Snoring
  • General otorhinolaryngology


2024 – 

Konsiliarius im ORL-Zentrum

2004 – 2023

ENT Center, Klinik Hirslanden Zurich, practicing physician

1997 –

Pyramid Clinic at the Lake, Zurich, consulting physician 

1995 – 2008

Klinik St. Raphael, Küsnacht, consulting physician

1991 – 2004

Klosbachstrasse 107, 8032 Zurich, in private practice

1985 – 1991

Schweizerischen Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Logopädie [speech therapy], lecturer

1985 – 1992

Faculty of Medicine, University of Zurich, lecturer

1986 – 1997

Nursing School, Rotkreuzspital Zurich, lecturer

1983 – 1991

Nursing Schools at Children’s Hospital, Municipal Hospital Triemli, and University Hospital (all Zurich), lecturer

1986 – 1991

ENT Clinic, University Hospital Zurich, senior physician

1986 – 1991

ENT Clinic, Children’s Hospital Zurich, senior physician


ENT Clinic, University Hospital Zurich, research assistant 


Awarded Swiss MD title [FMH] in otorhinolaryngology, with specialization in head and neck surgery


ENT Clinic, Municipal Hospital Triemli (Zurich), assistant physician


ENT Clinic, Children’s Hospital Zurich, assistant physician

1982 – 1986

ENT Clinic, University Hospital Zurich, assistant physician; specialized training in otorhinolaryngology


ENT Clinic, Cantonal Hospital St.Gallen, assistant physician; specialized  training in otorhinolaryngology

1980 – 1981

Surgery, Hospital Davos, assistant physician


Faculty of Medicine, University of Zurich. Dissertation: Late results following intestinal position anomaly operations: intestinal fixation, yes or no?


ECFMG accreditation (USA)


Faculty of Medicine, University of Zurich, state medical examinations

  1. Herrmann P. Funktionelle und kosmetische Resultate nach Exstirpation der Glandula submandibularis [Functional and cosmetic results after excision of the submandibular gland]. ORL 7 Aktuelle Probleme der Otorhinolaryngologie. Bern: Hans Huber Verlag. 1984: 17-24. In German.
  2. Herrmann P. Larynxchirurgie für die Praxis.  ORL 7 Aktuelle Probleme der Otorhinolaryngologie. Bern: Hans Huber, 1984.  In German.
  3. Herrmann P, Wüthrich B.  Polyposis nasi: Allergic and immunological aspects.  Advances in Rhinology, London, Theracom Ltd. 1986.
  4. Herrmann P, Wüthrich B. Polyposis nasi: Allergologisch – immunologische Aspekte. ORL 9 Aktuelle Probleme der Otorhinolaryngologie. Bern: Hans Huber, 1986: 7-13. In German.
  5. Wolfensberger M, Herrmann P. The pathogenesis of maxillary sinus pneumoceles. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 1987 Feb; 113(2): 184-186.
  6. Wetmore SJ, Herrmann P, Fisch U. Spontaneous cerebrospinal fluid otorrhea. Am J Otol. 1987 Mar; 8(2): 96-102.
  7. Herrmann P.  Iatrogene, intratemporale Fazialisparesen. ORL 11 Aktuelle Probleme der Otorhinolaryngologie. Bern: Hans Huber, 1988: 261-267.  In German.
  8. Herrmann P, Diggelmann H. Iatrogenic intratemporal lesions of the facial nerve.  Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on the Facial Nerve, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 1988.
  9. Gammert C, Hampl K, Herrmann P. Beitrag zu den Normwerten in der Rhinomanometrie [Normal values in rhinomanometry]. HNO 1988 Oct; 36(10): 399-405. In German.
  10. Gammert C, Hampl K, Herrmann P. Klinische Vergleiche zweier moderner Rhino-manometer [Clinical comparison of two modern rhinomanometers]. HNO 1988 Oct; 36(10): 406-408. In German.
  11. Herrmann P, Lalive D’Epinay N. Komplikationen nach endonasalen, endoskopisch kontrollierten Ethmoidektomien [Complications after endonasal endoscopic ethmoidectomy]. ORL 12 Aktuelle Probleme der Otorhinolaryngologie.  Bern: Hans Huber, 1989: 189-194.  In German.
  12. Herrmann P, Nadal D, Baumann A, Fanconi A. Akute Mastoiditis: Erfahrungen an 73 Kindern. ORL 13 Aktuelle Probleme der Otorhinolaryngologie Bern: Hans Huber, 1990: 32-37.  In German.
  13. Nadal D, Herrmann P, Baumann A, Fanconi A. Acute mastoiditis: clinical, microbiological, and therapeutic aspects. Eur J Pediatr. 1990 May; 149(8): 560-564.
  14. Flepp M, Herrmann P, Waespe W. Status febrilis, Cephalea und Parese des linken Beins [Fever, headache and paralysis of the left leg]. Schweiz Rundschau Med Prax. 1991 Mar 19; 80(12): 301-305.  In German.
  15. Editor of the specialist journal ORL Highlights/ORL Praxis, 1994 to present
  16. Herrmann P. Endokranielle Komplikationen der Sinusitis acuta [Endocranial complications of acute sinusitis]. ORL Highlights. 1995; 1: 7-9. In German.
  17. Herrmann P, Böni M. Die LAUP zur Behandlung des Schnarchens [LAUP for the treatment of snoring]. ORL Highlights. 1995; 4: 16-18. In German.
  18. Herrmann P. Nasenphysiologie. Kneipp. 2000; 1. In German.
  19. Herrmann P, Böni M. Somnoplastik zur Behandlung des Schnarchens [Somnoplasty for the treatment of snoring]. ORL Highlights. 2001; 4: 10-11.
  20. Herrmann P. Epistaxis, Moderne Behandlungskonzepte [Epistaxis: modern therapeutic concepts]. ORL Highlights. 2003; 6: 5-7. In German.
  21. Herrmann P. Hüsteln, Räuspern: Larynxpathologie [Coughing and clearing the throat: the pathology of the larynx]. ORL Highlights. 2004; 5: 4-7. In German.
  22. Herrmann P, Böni M. Radiofrequenz-induzierte Thermotherapie: Neue Option in der Schnarchbehandlung [Radio frequency-induced heat therapy: a new option in the treatment of snoring]. ORL Highlights. 2005; 4: 11-13. In German.
  23. Herrmann P. Harmlos oder gesundheitsgefährdend: Schnarchen ist mehr als nur störend [Harmless or a hazard to your health: snoring can be more than a nuisance]. ORL Praxis. 2006; 8: 4-6. In German.
  24. Editor of the specialist journal Hausarzt Praxis, 2008 to present.
  25. Herrmann P. Bei Husten lohnt sich ein Blick in die Nase [If there is coughing, it pays to examine the nose]. Hausarzt Praxis. 2011; 2: 2-6. In German.
  26. Herrmann P. Syndrome d’écoulement post-nasal [Post-nasal drip]. CME Geriatrie Pratique. 2011; 1; 26-28.  In French.